[Project File] - PiPixel Larson Scanner

PiPixel? What’s that?


This was run on a Pi 2 with SPI enabled in raspi-config. Python 3 is required. PiPixel jumper was set to ‘SPI_DAT’. 10 meters of 36 LED/m LPD8806 were used.

To Run:

sudo bibliopixel run PiPixelLarsonScanner.json



“driver”: {
“typename”: “spi”,
“ledtype”: “LPD8806”,
“num”: 360,
“dev”: “/dev/spidev0.0”,
“interface”: “FILE”,
“spi_speed”: 1,
“c_order”: “GRB”

"layout": {
    "typename": "strip"

"animation": {
    "typename": "BiblioPixelAnimations.strip.LarsonScanners.LarsonScanner",
    "color": [255,0,0],
    "tail": 1,
    "start": 0,
    "end": -1

"run": {
    "fps": 30,
    "amt": 3



PiPixelLarsonScanner.json (514 Bytes)