i have to say it.
Pixelweb has been awesome in getting me off the ground with rgb leds
after 3 frustrating days with 2 rpis,an allpixel mini and 2 (admittedly) dodgy ebay led strings i now have a working setup on my pc using pixelweb.
i started with my goto rpi and biblio v3 and i could not get going - serial port issues etc etc
was my pi faulty ?, were the strings buggered ? did the postman stand on the allpixel ???
after plugging all into the pc, simply setting up python 2.7 and pixelweb i was able to verify that all components supplied were OK and pixelweb still works.
im amazed more people didn’t use it and thus development stopped…
+++ for pixelweb - my Christmas tree shall have lights this yr - thanks !!