Pen engraving jig

I’ve been asked by a pen maker I know (well, my Dad), to test out the Engravinator on his pens. In order to keep them centered, I tinkered up this jig that should fit nicely in the bottom panel of the engraver, and hold the pen steady at 65mm down the Y axis.

It’s not as great as rotating the pen to keep from having elongation on the tops and bottoms of letters, but it should be Good Enough™.

I haven’t tested it yet, but Adam wanted me to share. (:

STL Link


Excellent! Thanks @Josh_Ward
I’ll give Bonus Points™ if you also share the STEP file or, better yet, Fusion 360 archive so people can easily modify :slight_smile:

Does the engravinator need a rotary designed for it? :slight_smile:

Oops, I did it Q&D in Tinkercad (:

There’s been lots of discussion about it. No concrete plans as of yet… but probably at some point.

Ah, silly Tinkercad only does STL. No worries. I had assumed you used Fusion for some reason.

Yup, if it was more complex, I would have used Fusion. But for this, Tinkercad took care of my needs just fine.