Multiple Versions of BiblioPixel

I have a Pi on which I’m running LightShowPi with an AllPixel and the 2.x version of BiblioPixel. Since it appears that LightShowPi does not yet support BiblioPixel 3.x, I was wondering if I can install both versions on the same machine, and if I can, what would the import line look like in new apps that use BiblioPixel 3.x


Only way to do that is with virtually. ‘pip install virtualev’
Check out the docs for it. You can have multiple environments with whatever you want.

Though now that I think of… Bp2 is py2 and bp3 is py3 which are separate environments anyways, so no real need to do anything. Just call python3 for the bp3 stuff. No other changes needed.


On Dec 16, 2017 1:30 PM, “Ken Walker” wrote:

I have a Pi on which I’m running LightShowPi with an AllPixel and the 2.x version of BiblioPixel. Since it appears that LightShowPi does not yet support BiblioPixel 3.x, I was wondering if I can install both versions on the same machine, and if I can, what would the import line look like in new apps that use BiblioPixel 3.x


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