Hi Guys,
My neighbor and I have constructed a 15x150 matrix of WS2812b’s as part of our holiday lights show. Last year we ran it with a Chinese K-1000c controller and used LedEdit to construct animations, but as the controller is limited to 2048 LED’s (we only ran 12 lines last year) we decided to swap to a RasberyPi and PiPixel hat, and Bibliopixel so we could run more lines.
We’ve managed to work out most of the API, but we were just wondering if there easy ways to create a couple of scenarios...
Is there a way to automatically rescale gifs in ImageAnim to fit the line height of our display? LedEdit uses screen grab for this (in fact most of its anime are shock wave and they render to the matrix format you chose using screen grab style mechanic), but I can’t seem to get ScreenGrab to work from a Bibliopixel project?
As a back up plan we are looking to use 16x16 8 bit style sprites captured in gif and again played back on the LED matrix via ImageAnim. I was wondering if there was an easy way to replicate the 16x16 gif across the span (we have plans for a line of dancing Storm Troopers :-))?
Also is it possible to play a gif via ImageAnim and pan/scroll around the gif image? This can be really effective for scenes which won’t fit on the whole display in one shot.
Is there a good example of how to set the ‘y’ position of scrolling text? Can’t seem to get the yaml syntax right. Is it also possible to do horizontal scrolling?
Last question... what’s the best way to use the full colour resolution of the LED’s? The inbuilt anims seem to quantise to a much smaller range of colours than the LEDs allow (circle pop demo in the docs is a good example... the circle edges are not anti aliased/smoothed)?
Sorry lots of questions!